Monday 28 May 2012

My first Hubpages accolade – 10 answers

When I started reading Hubs on Hubpages one of the things I noticed is that alot of people had symbols on their profile which demonstrated their achievements. 10 answers accolade

To the reader this gave them instant credibility and made you want to read their articles, so I thought this would be something that could help me gain readership.

There are at least 14 different accolades you can achieve on Hubpages and some are easier to achieve than others. For example, the ‘Hub views’ accolade only kicks in after 1000 views and the ‘Years on Hubpages’ requires at least 1 year.

As with most undertakings, it often helps to start small so I decided to go for the ‘low hanging fruit’ i.e. the accolades that can be achieved quickly and relatively easily.

One of easiest and most enjoyable activities on Hubpages is answering other people’s questions. The added bonus of this is that you only need to answer 10 to get your first accolade. Although, I started this activity as a means of quickly getting an accolade for my profile page, I quickly realised that it was a great way to share your thoughts and also introduce yourself to other Hubbers. I was also surprised to see that other people really liked my answers and many times had voted my answers up over other responses.

This whole process suddenly became extremely beneficial as people would read my answers and then check out my profile and/or my hubs.

Below are a couple of of my answers :

Do you think regret is healthy ?

For me personally I determine whether regret is healthy or unhealthy by looking at the behaviour that follows.

For example Person A may regret something and they will identify the mistake and figure out how to avoid the same error in the future.

Person B may also regret some element of their life but they will develop negative associations, experience reduced self esteem and/or indulge in destructive behaviour.

I think we can all find things to regret in our life but it all comes down to our ability to learn and move forward.

Do you feel insecure when your partner innocently looks at an attractive lady or guy

No I don't. I just remember that physical attraction to a stranger is completely different to what we have as a couple. How does a six pack outweigh years of commitment, support, conversations and shared experiences ?.

If your partner is happy with you physically and you have a good quality relationship I don' think there is anything to worry about.

So after 10 answers I finally achieved my first accolade

 10 answers accolade

Monday 14 May 2012

First ever Hubpage question

My first question on Hubpages
One of the accolades that can be achieved on Hubpages is related to Questions asked. In order to get this accolade you need to have asked at least 50 questions but unfortunately my number of questions up until today had been zero.
I have answered a few questions so I roughly knew the format but I still hadn’t gone through the process of thinking up my own and actually publishing it.
Like most things in life, it pays to have a good strategy so I  decided to set some criteria for my questions. The criteria I settled on is as follows :
1. It has to be easy to answer
2. It needs to be emotive
3. It needs to be fun and make people want to comment
4. I have to find the subsequent responses personally interesting
So here was today’s question ‘If you could go back in time, what piece of wisdom would you give yourself ?.
I wasn’t sure what response this would get but I believed it matched the criteria I had set myself and would produce a wide range of interesting responses.
The results so far have been good.I posted the question this morning and in the evening I had 20 views and 8 people that had answered my question.
To show my appreciation for the people that commented I followed them. Maybe a few of them will follow me back and my interaction with fellow hubbers will increase :-)
Thank you for reading today’s post. If you liked it please leave a comment

Sunday 13 May 2012

Hubpages : The story so far

As I have been a member of for a couple of months I thought that the first post of this blog should explain what has happened so far.
Why choose Hubpages ?
When I decided to start writing and sharing ideas, the next logical step was to look for the appropriate platform.
As I was Googling I noticed that three names kept being recommended. Hubpages, Squidoo and Infobarrel. As with most things on the internet it is difficult to get a definitive answer on which platform is the best, so I just looked at the general consensus and most people seemed really enthusiastic about Hubpages. It was fair to say from people’s comments that it scored well on both earning potential and social interaction.
Creating an account on Hubpages was really simple and the monetization side of things is really well integrated and intuitive.
So before I knew it I was creating my first Hub called ‘How to give praise assertively at work’. It took an hour and half to complete got me started with writing online.